Wrestling Wars Of The 90'S Episodes

Jan. 12, 2022

WCW Bash at the Beach 1995

WCW is at the beach! Like, literally. They're wrestling in the sand. That's right; Kamala, Jim Duggan, Vader, Dave Sullivan and all of your other favorites are wrestling and melting under the beating sun of Huntington Beach. ...
Dec. 15, 2021

WWF King of the Ring 1995

Do you love Mabel? Do you love Savio Vega? Do you love feet? Well if any of those answers are "yes", then you're in the right place. This event is a dumpster fire, but this podcast episode cover said fire is a hoot, let's get...
Nov. 3, 2021

ECW Enter The Sandman 1995

The pieces continue to be added to what we all remember as ECW; as we get the debuts of Luna Vachon and Bill Alfonso! We also discuss what makes a good deathmatch, and why it is not whatever the Rottens are doing here. Sandma...
Oct. 27, 2021

WCW Great American Bash 1995

Time to have an arm wrestling match to win a rabbit and time to witness Renegade's in-ring debut on PPV! WCW shenanigans are in full effect here, but some of the best WCW matches of the year occur on this show in Brian Pillma...
Oct. 6, 2021

ECW Hostile City Showdown 1995

Looking for a podcast about piledriving women and Terry Funk trying to light Mick Foley's genitals on fire? Well you've come to the right episode! Blood, guts, and the beginning of Dean Douglas and Faarooq Asad. We get the ne...
Sept. 29, 2021

WWF In Your House 1 (1995)

Were the dark matches better than the actual card? Possibly. But at least Hakushi and Stephanie Wiand are here. WWF recovers well from the utter disaster that was Wrestlemania 11. New stars being built all throughout the card...
Sept. 8, 2021

WCW Slamboree 1995

This show follows one of the worst PPVs of all-time....was this one just as bad? Not at all. And we can attribute that to Wahoo McDaniel vs Dick Murdoch and the lack of Jim Duggan. Seeds get planted for the Dungeon of Doom, w...
Aug. 18, 2021

ECW Three Way Dance 1995

E C DUB! When you watch an ECW show, you want blood, cigarettes, sexuality, and Rick Steiner. And this show has all of that! We got Sandman vs Shane Douglas for the ECW Title, a huge catalyst in the Tommy Dreamer/Raven feud, ...
Aug. 11, 2021

WWF Wrestlemania 11

Bam Bam vs. LT. Shawn tries to screw over Diesel's push. The worst Undertaker match ever. Pam Anderson hates everything about this, and so do I. There is so much to beat up about this show, strap in. Joined by Dave from the R...
July 14, 2021

WCW Uncensored 1995

This may be the dumbest wrestling show ever. For so many reasons. This show had bad gimmicks, zero logic, and seemingly just existed for the picture at the very end. But at least there's an ULTIMATE surprise! That's right. R...
June 30, 2021

ECW Return of the Funker 1995

Barbed wire, Hack Myers, and Terry Funk bleeding out of his ears. What more could you ask for from an ECW episode? In this episode, we recap Marty Janetty stealing the show, the latest chapter of the Rotten brothers and their...
June 2, 2021

WCW Superbrawl V

Should have called this show "MedicoreBrawl V", am I right folks? WCW being WCW in this show; bad finishes, lots of yelling at the camera in backstage promos, and Paul Roma getting himself fired. Hogan defends the WCW Title i...
May 12, 2021

ECW Double Tables 1995

There were more tables on this show than sober people. Jk. Kind of. But this show represents early ECW in a nutshell....a Texas Deathmatch, Sabu being a maniac, a woman in a wedding dress receiving a piledriver....you know, t...
April 28, 2021

WWF Royal Rumble 1995

Got a hankerin' for Mantaur? Dick Murdoch? IRS vs Undertaker? Well all your prayers have been answered with this episode! Royal Rumble kicks off the ACCLAIMED year of 1995 for wrestling, and we begin the road to Wrestlemania ...
March 31, 2021

WCW Starrcade 1994

Ready to hear about Brutus Beefcake main eventing the biggest show of the year? WELL TOO BAD, THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE GETTING. The culmination of the acclaimed "masked man attacking Hulk Hogan" storyline, the Three Faces of Fear r...