Wrestling Wars Of The 90'S Episodes

Oct. 19, 2022

WCW Starrcade 1995

WCW vs New Japan! Ric Flair vs Macho Man! Dusty Rhodes vs names of moves! Lots of battles on this one. Maybe one of the best WCW PPVs of 1995. Check out Ted and the The Heel Truth Podcast, available wherever you listen to pod...
Sept. 28, 2022

WWF In Your House 5: Season’s Beatings

Hogs, awkward scuffles, and a bloody classic of a main event. What else could you possibly want from wrestling? Check out Ryan and the Front Facelock Podcast, available wherever you listen to podcasts and on YouTube! For ever...
Sept. 14, 2022

ECW Holiday Hell 1995

Why is Mantaur here? Why is there a singles match for tag titles? Why is Cactus Jack vs Sabu an "Olympic Rules" match? Some questions aren't meant to be answered. Check out Mr Fretz and the Fretzlemania, available wherever yo...
Aug. 31, 2022

WCW World War III 1995

60 men. 3 rings. 1 Man Gang. 0 good promos. The THREE RING, 60 MAN BATTLE ROYAL. For the vacant WCW World Title. An absolutely insane concept for a match, and an even more chaotic execution. This show also has Sting vs Ric Fl...
Aug. 3, 2022

ECW November to Remember 1995

We got a Mexican Death Match, a match between a promoter and a referee, and Steve Austin challenging for the ECW Championship. Huge show, milestone event, and a hilarious time talking about it. Check out Matt and the Smackin ...
July 13, 2022

WWF In Your House 4: Great White North

Dean Douglas gets 10 minutes as Intercontinental Champion because Shawn Michaels got beat up by sailors. Two 600 pounders fight each other. Goldust debuts. What else do you need? Check out Charlie and the Get Cho Podcast, ava...
June 29, 2022

WCW Halloween Havoc 1995

Monsters trucks, heel turns, and Sabu. What a dumpster fire of a PPV, but a hilarious episode of The Apron Bump. Check out Dave and Michael and the Ruthless Aggression Era Podcast, available on YouTube and wherever you listen...
June 15, 2022

ECW Gangstas Paradise 1995

Blood, Lucha, and Steve Austin. The recipe for a great ECW show. Check out Marcus and the World Elite Podcast, available on YouTube and wherever you listen to podcasts! For everything World Elite Podcast, go to https://linktr...
May 25, 2022

WWF In Your House 3: Triple Header

ALL THE CHAMPIONSHIPS ARE ON THE LINE IN ONE MATCH. What does that leave us with in terms of the rest of the card? A pirate stole Bret Hart's jacket, Waylon Mercy and Sid show their uncoordincation, and Shane Douglas is a tea...
April 27, 2022

ECW Heat Wave 1995

Axl Rotten literally walked through broken glass to get his title shot, and he gets it on this show! We also get two steel cage matches, a Hack Myers re-run, and STORMIN' MIKE NORMIN. The stars are clearly out to play, folks....
April 13, 2022

WWF Summerslam 1995

Let's "FACE THE HEAT" with Visagra in the main event, Kane as a dentist, and Barry Horowitz. Bertha Faye dominates, we get a rematch of the CLASSIC ladder match between Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels; and in general, we get a...
April 6, 2022

WCW Fall Brawl 1995

Not sure what's more ridiculous, The Dungeon of Doom or Johnny B Badd's names for his 15 finishers. We'll let you be the judge of that. We got WAR GAMES, Arn vs Flair, and Sgt. Craig Pittman repelling from the ceiling. Oh and...
March 16, 2022

ECW Hardcore Heaven 1995

The legendary Taipei Deathmatch is here, and it's crazier than you remember. We also get the debut match of the Gangstas vs Public Enemy, Cactus vs Sandman for the ECW Title, and the debut of the Dudleys! Check out Brent and ...
Feb. 23, 2022

WWF In Your House 2: The Lumberjacks

It's the Jeff Jarrett concert featuring some wrestling! Double J and HBK put on a classic, Diesel defends the WWF Title against Sid in a Lumberjack match, and Henry O. Godwin has salad. Action-packed show here, let's get into...
Jan. 19, 2022

ECW Barbed Wire, Hoodies, and Chokeslams 1995

Legendary debuts, lots of blood, and Gangrel. What more could you ask for? Lots of seeds getting planted for the future of ECW in this show, and many brutal (and often hilarious) matches take place at this event. Let's get in...