WWF / WWE Episodes

Jan. 5, 2022

WWF Backlash 2002

The Brand Extension is here! Hulk Hogan is fighting for the WWF Title! Paul Heyman has Lita's thongs! What a weird transition period this is for WWF...but a super fun time to talk about. A hidden gem of a PPV, with a ton of a...
Dec. 29, 2021

100 Ways To IMMEDIATELY Improve WWE

Don't forget to subscribe to the Apron Bump YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/ApronBump Catch the video version of this episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLu44uujbPA&ab_channel=ApronBump ApronBump.com to watch and ...
Dec. 15, 2021

WWF King of the Ring 1995

Do you love Mabel? Do you love Savio Vega? Do you love feet? Well if any of those answers are "yes", then you're in the right place. This event is a dumpster fire, but this podcast episode cover said fire is a hoot, let's get...
Nov. 24, 2021

WWF Wrestlemania 18

Icon vs Icon....and DDP vs Christian. This event is known for one match; Rock vs Hogan, but the card as a whole is STACKED. Ric Flair vs Undertaker, Rob Van Dam vs William Regal, and even the 4 way tag team match is very unde...
Sept. 29, 2021

WWF In Your House 1 (1995)

Were the dark matches better than the actual card? Possibly. But at least Hakushi and Stephanie Wiand are here. WWF recovers well from the utter disaster that was Wrestlemania 11. New stars being built all throughout the card...
Sept. 15, 2021

WWF No Way Out 2002

Wait...NWO...AT NWO?!?!?! HAHAHAH! I have so many questions about this show....why is Mr Perfect here? Why are RVD and Goldust fighting? Why is Stephanie McMahon's acting so horrendous? We try to answer all these questions an...
Aug. 11, 2021

WWF Wrestlemania 11

Bam Bam vs. LT. Shawn tries to screw over Diesel's push. The worst Undertaker match ever. Pam Anderson hates everything about this, and so do I. There is so much to beat up about this show, strap in. Joined by Dave from the R...
July 28, 2021

WWF Royal Rumble 2002

Val Venis returns and Ric Flair lays pipe. Oh, and Triple H is back and is in it to win the Rumble too, I guess. What an insane show this was: a Street Fight between Vince McMahon and Ric Flair, many returns in the Royal Rumb...
June 16, 2021

WWF Vengeance 2001

4 men. 3 matches. 1 winner. 47 run-ins. Let's crown us a first-ever Undisputed Champion! While that may be what you associate this PPV with, this show is loaded with tons of shenanigans. We get a bizarre match between Matt an...
June 9, 2021

WWF: The Year of 2001 (Tier List)

Taking a look back at the year of 2001 for WWF, and ranking each PPV presented by the company Full Youtube Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm0N9lXG3ho&ab_channel=ApronBump Follow me! ApronBump.com @Apron_Bump on Inst...
April 28, 2021

WWF Royal Rumble 1995

Got a hankerin' for Mantaur? Dick Murdoch? IRS vs Undertaker? Well all your prayers have been answered with this episode! Royal Rumble kicks off the ACCLAIMED year of 1995 for wrestling, and we begin the road to Wrestlemania ...
April 21, 2021

WWF Survivor Series 2001 (ft. Justin Credible)

Joined by an Alliance member, Justin Credible! Justin and Hard recap the culmination of the infamous Invasion storyline. Justin's run in WWF was hindered by this storyline, and by several other outside forces that are discuss...
April 14, 2021

Wrestlemania 37 and NXT Takeover Stand & Deliver Review

Wrestlemania! NXT Takeover! Ponchos! Just shooting the shit about a huge week in wrestling for probably too long. But I just love wrestling, okay? Shut your ass. Ft: Some dickhead birds outside my window chirping throug...
March 17, 2021

WWF Survivor Series 1994

How can you go wrong with insane Bob Backlund? Or with ample amounts of little people? Well, listen to this podcast and you'll find out. We got 5 vs 5 matches, Yokozuna vs Undertaker in a Casket Match, and most importantly, C...
March 10, 2021

WWF No Mercy 2001

This Invasion storyline sure has NO MERCY on it's fanbase. Join myself and JD from Red Leaf Retrocast as we getting into some previously untapped topics regarding the Invasion storyline and our in-depth recap of the final sto...