WWF New Generation Era Episodes

Sept. 28, 2022

WWF In Your House 5: Season’s Beatings

Hogs, awkward scuffles, and a bloody classic of a main event. What else could you possibly want from wrestling? Check out Ryan and the Front Facelock Podcast, available wherever you listen to podcasts and on YouTube! For ever...
Aug. 17, 2022

WWF Survivor Series 1995

Bret Hart, Aja Kong, and Bill Clinton. All your favorites are here. An uncharacteristically decent show for this era, with possibly Kevin Nash's best match ever, a women's 8 person tag, and Bam Bam's last WWF match. Historic ...
July 13, 2022

WWF In Your House 4: Great White North

Dean Douglas gets 10 minutes as Intercontinental Champion because Shawn Michaels got beat up by sailors. Two 600 pounders fight each other. Goldust debuts. What else do you need? Check out Charlie and the Get Cho Podcast, ava...
May 25, 2022

WWF In Your House 3: Triple Header

ALL THE CHAMPIONSHIPS ARE ON THE LINE IN ONE MATCH. What does that leave us with in terms of the rest of the card? A pirate stole Bret Hart's jacket, Waylon Mercy and Sid show their uncoordincation, and Shane Douglas is a tea...
April 13, 2022

WWF Summerslam 1995

Let's "FACE THE HEAT" with Visagra in the main event, Kane as a dentist, and Barry Horowitz. Bertha Faye dominates, we get a rematch of the CLASSIC ladder match between Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels; and in general, we get a...
Feb. 23, 2022

WWF In Your House 2: The Lumberjacks

It's the Jeff Jarrett concert featuring some wrestling! Double J and HBK put on a classic, Diesel defends the WWF Title against Sid in a Lumberjack match, and Henry O. Godwin has salad. Action-packed show here, let's get into...
Dec. 15, 2021

WWF King of the Ring 1995

Do you love Mabel? Do you love Savio Vega? Do you love feet? Well if any of those answers are "yes", then you're in the right place. This event is a dumpster fire, but this podcast episode cover said fire is a hoot, let's get...
Sept. 29, 2021

WWF In Your House 1 (1995)

Were the dark matches better than the actual card? Possibly. But at least Hakushi and Stephanie Wiand are here. WWF recovers well from the utter disaster that was Wrestlemania 11. New stars being built all throughout the card...
Aug. 11, 2021

WWF Wrestlemania 11

Bam Bam vs. LT. Shawn tries to screw over Diesel's push. The worst Undertaker match ever. Pam Anderson hates everything about this, and so do I. There is so much to beat up about this show, strap in. Joined by Dave from the R...
April 28, 2021

WWF Royal Rumble 1995

Got a hankerin' for Mantaur? Dick Murdoch? IRS vs Undertaker? Well all your prayers have been answered with this episode! Royal Rumble kicks off the ACCLAIMED year of 1995 for wrestling, and we begin the road to Wrestlemania ...
March 17, 2021

WWF Survivor Series 1994

How can you go wrong with insane Bob Backlund? Or with ample amounts of little people? Well, listen to this podcast and you'll find out. We got 5 vs 5 matches, Yokozuna vs Undertaker in a Casket Match, and most importantly, C...
Nov. 11, 2020

WWF Summerslam 1994

This episode is so hot, it’s scary!!! The year of 1994 is widely perceived as a down year for wrestling; and by many metrics, it is. However, the Summer of 94 sees so many impactful seeds being planted: Hogan debuting in WCW,...
Sept. 30, 2020

WWF King of the Ring 1994

Art Donovan. Do you need any more reason to listen to this episode or watch this show? Well, you shouldn't; but King of the Ring 1994 also is the official beginning of the New Generation Era, contains the best 5 minute match ...
July 15, 2020

WWF Wrestlemania X

Overall, not a strong show, but an incredibly interesting time capsule to open. Bret and Owen had arguably one of the greatest matches of all-time, the first ever ladder match occurs, and Fink has hair. Through the good and t...