ROH November 2003: "The Conclusion" and "War of the Wire"

No Ropes Barbed Wire Match! The end of the CM Punk/Raven feud! Field of Honor Semi-Finals! BJ's juices are flowing! Lots to get into with this double shot weekend, the first ever for Ring of Honor! to watch and listen to all full episodes!
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Enjoy this era of ROH? Catch up on the entire timeline at:
"The Conclusion" Card:
Tag Team Match
The Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere & Trent Acid) vs. The Outcast Killaz (Diablo Santiago & Oman Tortuga)
Singles Match
John Walters vs. Homicide (w/Julius Smokes)
ROH Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Scramble Match
Fast Eddie & Hotstuff Hernandez vs. The Carnage Crew (DeVito & Loc) vs. The SAT (Joel Maximo & Jose Maximo) vs. Special K (Cloudy & Dixie)
Singles Match
Christopher Daniels (w/Allison Danger) vs. Jimmy Rave
Singles Match
Steve Corino (w/Guillotine LeGrande) vs. Josh Daniels
Field Of Honor Block A Final Match
Matt Stryker vs. Xavier
Field Of Honor Block B Final Three Way Match
Dan Maff (w/Allison Danger) vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Colt Cabana
ROH Tag Team Title Match
The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) (c) vs. AJ Styles & Samoa Joe
Lottery From Hell Old School Steel Cage Match
CM Punk vs. Raven
"War of the Wire" Card:
Tag Team Match
Fast Eddie & Hotstuff Hernandez vs. The Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere & Trent Acid)
Scramble Tag Team Match
Slugger, The Carnage Crew (DeVito & Loc) & The SAT (Joel Maximo & Jose Maximo) vs. Special K (Angel Dust, Dixie, Hijinx, Hydro & Lit)
Gauntlet Match
CM Punk vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Matt Stryker vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Colt Cabana
Tag Team Match
April Hunter & Slyk Wagner Brown vs. The Outcast Killaz (Diablo Santiago & Oman Tortuga)
Singles Match
John Walters vs. Xavier
ROH Tag Team Title Match
The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) (c) vs. The Prophecy (Christopher Daniels & Dan Maff) (w/Allison Danger)
ROH World Title Match
Samoa Joe (c) vs. AJ Styles
No Ropes Barbed Wire Match
Steve Corino (w/Guillotine LeGrande) vs. Homicide (w/Julius Smokes)