Rey Mysterio dated Rachel from Friends?. Singles match for Tag Titles, Harlem Heat for World Title . DDP vs Macho Man RULES. NWO is imploding to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be featured on a fu...
Best WCW PPV ending ever?. Mortis vs. Glacier. Dusty Rhodes steals the show on commentary. Eddie goes topless, nWo looks at Playboy, & more! to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be featured on a fut...
Huge and poorly done heel turn. Benoit/Sullivan Death Match. Neck-breaking meat smash. Debra is the WORST to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be featured on a future episode? Leave a voicemail usin...
NWO sucks already?. Miss NWO was INSANE. Syxx vs Eddie Guerrero: Ladder Match. Awful finishes, attempted manslaughter, & more! to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be featured on a future episode? L...
Match of the century. Dragon Screwing your lady. Cruiserweight dream matches. Bizarre Benoit/Sullivan feud. The epitome of clubberin'. Inaugural Woman's Champion is crowned. Lex Luger RULES to watch and listen t...
60-man "Smash or Pass". Rey Mysterio vs Ultimo Dragon. WCW loves infidelity. Worst match of the year?. Jack Boot fan club. Alabama Caesar Salad. Chris Jericho vs Nick Patrick. Apron Bump Grand Slam to watch and ...
Macho pulls his meat stick. Jeff "ha ha" Jarrett. Malenko vs Mysterio: MOTY?. Wet wrestlers are better. Sullivan and Benoit. Nick Patrick. No stakes, dumb stakes, and sweepstakes. Worst PPV ending ever to watch ...
Sting has had enough. Renegade vs nWo Sting?. New tone to WCW. DDP and Konnan are HERE. Best mask in wrestling. nWo gave us Waterboy. Love of El Gato, Super Calo, and Kama. Fire vs Ice II to watch and listen to ...
The Giant is a big dumb idiot. Was Sara Jay in attendance?. Benoit/Malenko, Rey/Ultimo...boring matches? Hogan: Better as a heel? Great PPV aesthetic, BAD finishes. The NWO World Championship. to watch and liste...
Yeah sure Hulk Hogan turns heel and the NWO starts but JOE GOMEZ IS HERE TO DEPERAT. to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be featured on a future episode? Leave a voicemail using the "Send a Voicema...
Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are here! Dean Malenko and Rey Mysterio put on a classic! Chris Benoit and Kevin Sullivan start their VERY UNCOMFORTABLE IN HINDSIGHT storyline! USA! USA! to watch and listen to all ful...
Battlebowl! Steiner vs Steiner gets hardcore and Road Warrior vs Road Warrior gets softcore. We got the debut of the Cruiserweight Championship on PPV, The Giant defending the World Title against Sting, and HOOTERS. Ahh this ...
TRIPLE. DOOMSDAY. CAGE. And Eddie giving Konnan head. Stop pretending like you need another reason to hit play. Check out Tim King and the The Tim King Show, available live on YouTube and wherever you listen to podcasts! Also...
Good googily moogily, pre-NWO WCW in 1996 is SPICY HOT GARBAGE. The Nasty Boys vs Public Enemy dream match isn't enough to save this show. Nor does Arn Anderson in slacks. Lot going on, lot to make fun of, let's get to it. Ch...
WCW vs New Japan! Ric Flair vs Macho Man! Dusty Rhodes vs names of moves! Lots of battles on this one. Maybe one of the best WCW PPVs of 1995. Check out Ted and the The Heel Truth Podcast, available wherever you listen to pod...