MJF in WWE?. A fun way for the New Day story to culminate. The Rock at Mania: Yes or No?. Roasting "Reports" on Wrestlemania plans. Unexpected wrestlers that may win the Rumble ApronBump.com to watch and listen to all full ep...
Wrestling is pretty dire right now, in some ways. But great in others. Let's talk about it. ApronBump.com to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be featured on a future episode? Leave a voicemail using the "Send a ...
You asked, I answered! Worst match ever, Womens Mount Rushmore, "Snog, Marry, Avoid", and much more! ApronBump.com to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be featured on a future episode? Leave a voicemail using the...
Beautiful California scenery, meeting (kinda) Bret Hart, and attending Wrestlemania 39 live. What a week. What a show. -------- ApronBump.com to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be featured on a future episode?...
The Hardest Part of the Ring answers your Twitter questions! Thank you to all who submitted questions! See below for all these fabulous people, give 'em a follow. @E_Freeds @GetChoPodcast @Wraggy89 @BammerChatter @YearOfPod @...
Don't forget to subscribe to the Apron Bump YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/ApronBump Catch the video version of this episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLu44uujbPA&ab_channel=ApronBump ApronBump.com to watch and ...
An in-depth analysis on one of the biggest fights of all time. Follow me! ApronBump.com @Apron_Bump on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/Apron_Bump/ @ApronBump on Twitter https://twitter.com/ApronBump “Apron Bump” on Facebo...
Bonus Episode! The year of 2020 was a crazy one for everybody, and the wrestling industry was no different. This year gave us so much to think about and enjoy in the world of wrestling, and we have a great group of guys to di...
Episode 50 / One Year(ish) Anniversary! The epic extravaganza spectacular is here! In this episode, The Hardest Part of the Ring speaks about tequilla, Farming Simulator (an upcoming project), The Wednesday Night Wars, and mu...
Do you hate it when 8 guys (who are all fighting each other) hug together on the floor, just so someone else can jump on top of them? Me too. That's the type of stuff we get into in this episode. High flyers, powerhouses, hee...
Boy oh boy, this is a topic than I know all of you can get behind. Commentary has always had it's quirks and it's downright detrimental qualities to it. From modern day, all the way back to when mics were first utilized in wr...
There's always going to be idiots. And Hardest Part of the Ring is always going to be here to put them in their place. In this weeks episode, we aim our frustration towards smarks; or "Smart Marks" or "Smart Wrestling Fans". ...
Pet peeves in wrestling. There are too many for just one episode. So this week, we rip into the mind numbingly stupid concepts in regards to gimmick matches, build up to gimmick matches, and gimmick PPVs.
Just wanted to get this subject out of the way lmao. Went longer than I expected, but there's so much to shit on Nia about, that it feels like you can just keep talking about it forever. I give my take on whether or not Nia i...