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This episode is more explosive than the main event was. Follow me! ApronBump.com @Apron_Bump on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/Apron_Bump/ @ApronBump on Twitter https://twitter.com/ApronBump “Apron Bump” on Facebook http...
A landmark show for the company of Ring of Honor, and a landmark episode of The Apron Bump! As always, watching 2002 ROH is quite the experience; we get to take a journey through some of ROH's growing pains, while also gettin...
A very noteworthy show in the history of AEW…good and bad. We got to see great tag team wrestling, a horrific table spot, and that no one in AEW knows what mimosas look like. Great wrestling, but unfortunately hindered by the...
In this episode of the Weekly Review, we explain why the Lana/Lashley wedding was a rousing success, we prove that every wrestler in WWE named Drew is great, and we predict the future perfectly, just like last week. Please fo...
In this "Weekly Wrasslin Review", we look ahead towards TLC, decide who won the Wednesday Night Wars this week, and dissect the cornball that is Seth Rollins.