Triple H & Chavo Guerrero are Dolph Ziggler wannabes. Spike Dudley won the Rumble. Bloodbath LMS Match. Rumble Match watch-a-long! to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be featured on a future episod...
Were Evolution good?. DIRE state of the tag and women's division . RKO and RVD steal the show. All choking, no jacking to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be featured on a future episode? Leave a v...
Ambulances, Gravesites, and Mark Cuban. Best 5 on 5 match of all-time?. Building to Wrestlemania 20 already?. What could have been: Nathan Jones & Matt Morgan to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be...
Father vs. Daughter. Cena vs. Angle. Lucha Taker. Diarrhea Burrito. A healthy amount of BDSM. Little Guido in the main event. Mist lore. Biker Chain Match was DUMB to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want ...
Stone Cold & his cats. 69 Star Splash. Shane/Kane carrying Raw. Darby Dudley. Steiner's "services". Getting wood but no head. Worst part of a human centipede. Randy Orton vs HBK. Goldberg... to watch and listen ...
Big dumpers only. Kurt and Brock have a MOTY. Patriotism angles, yay or nay?. Goldberg destroys everybody. Best version of Albert. Shane doesn't miss. Favorite French wrestlers. Mr. Summerslam? to watch and list...
The art of hitting refs. Best "in-ring" PPV of the decade?. Alternative team names for Haas/Benjamin. Taker vs Cena. Revival of US Title. Zach Gowan shows out. Doink, box of dildos, & more! to watch and listen t...
Mae Young lookin' GOOT. Afro-American Nowinski . Bloodiest Hell in a Cell ever?. Redneck Triathlon. HBK vs Ric Flair. Fighting for Stacey. Why Goldberg's '03 run STUNK. What's a French Tickler? to watch and list...
Debuts of Mr America, Zach Gowan, The FBI, Spanky, and La Resistance….......yeah…....that's where we're at. But there's some cool stuff too. First stretcher match in 17 years, an AMAZING tag team ladder match, and a ROUSING B...
Goldberg debuts! Kevin Nash returns! A catfight with a literal cat! Oh and Rey Mysterio gets swung like a baseball bat! Boy howdy the hijinks never ends here in the WWE am I right or am I wrong gang? to watch an...
A Limp Bizkit concert with some wrestling, I think. to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be featured on a future episode? Leave a voicemail using the "Send a Voicemail" button on! Foll...
A sneaky STACKED card. Stone Cold, The Rock, and Hulk Hogan are all back and on one card. What a crazy time. Some good wrasslin' on this show and also Scott Steiner vs Triple H. Jump on in! to watch and listen t...
Scott Steiner's thong, one of the greatest matches of all-time, and Stepdaughter vs Stepmother. What. For the Watch-Along portion, start WWE Royal Rumble 2003 on Peacock at 01:39:46 to watch and listen to all fu...
THE END IS HERE…..not for HLA though. That has not ended. Lots of that on this show. We recap a legendary 2 out of 3 falls match between Triple H and Shawn Michaels, a new era for Kurt Angle, and the PPV debuts of Batista and...
First-ever Elimination Chamber, debut of Scott Steiner, and the Dutch boy wins the World Title! From top to bottom, one of the best WWE shows of all time. Don't believe me? WELL HIT PLAY AND I'LL TELL YA WHY. Check out Justin...