The final PPV of the Attitude Era! We get the real ""End of an Era"" match between Triple H and Undertaker, the PPV debut of Jamie Noble, and the final four of the King of the Ring Tournament. The Summer of Brock is upon us, ...
Kurt is bald! Stone Cold is on his way out! Hogan vs Taker! D-Lo Brown! This show has it all! A very pivotal time in the company's history, as this is the FIRST PPV under the WWE moniker....lots of interesting things to talk ...
The Brand Extension is here! Hulk Hogan is fighting for the WWF Title! Paul Heyman has Lita's thongs! What a weird transition period this is for WWF...but a super fun time to talk about. A hidden gem of a PPV, with a ton of a...
Icon vs Icon....and DDP vs Christian. This event is known for one match; Rock vs Hogan, but the card as a whole is STACKED. Ric Flair vs Undertaker, Rob Van Dam vs William Regal, and even the 4 way tag team match is very unde...
Wait...NWO...AT NWO?!?!?! HAHAHAH! I have so many questions about this show....why is Mr Perfect here? Why are RVD and Goldust fighting? Why is Stephanie McMahon's acting so horrendous? We try to answer all these questions an...
Val Venis returns and Ric Flair lays pipe. Oh, and Triple H is back and is in it to win the Rumble too, I guess. What an insane show this was: a Street Fight between Vince McMahon and Ric Flair, many returns in the Royal Rumb...
4 men. 3 matches. 1 winner. 47 run-ins. Let's crown us a first-ever Undisputed Champion! While that may be what you associate this PPV with, this show is loaded with tons of shenanigans. We get a bizarre match between Matt an...
Taking a look back at the year of 2001 for WWF, and ranking each PPV presented by the company Full Youtube Version: Follow me! @Apron_Bump on Inst...
Joined by an Alliance member, Justin Credible! Justin and Hard recap the culmination of the infamous Invasion storyline. Justin's run in WWF was hindered by this storyline, and by several other outside forces that are discuss...
This Invasion storyline sure has NO MERCY on it's fanbase. Join myself and JD from Red Leaf Retrocast as we getting into some previously untapped topics regarding the Invasion storyline and our in-depth recap of the final sto...
You read the title, and you probably thought "Hmm, I guess this is the show where Kurt Angle won the title, but what else happened?". Admittedly, I had the same thought before watching this show, but there turned out to be a ...
The "Invasion" is firmly underway, and we're starting to see some of ridiculousness that this storyline brought to the audience. It's becoming progressively more clear that we're not getting Goldberg, or Hogan, or Flair, or a...
What a wacky one this episode is! A few road bumps in this one but it all fits into the theme of the Invasion and what a fumbling that was for WWF. Although, was it really bad? Or just bad timing? Did WWF actually carry this ...
You don't know how strong glass can be until you watch King of the Ring 2001. Concussions, broken necks, broken backs, broken tailbones, and broken hands aside.....this was an amazing show. And yes, all of those injuries ACTU...
Who doesn’t love a good ol’ Attitude Era PPV review? I know I do. I have ZERO relocation of this show and that makes this episode all the more enjoyable; like watching it for the first time. And a very polarizing DJ Storms is...