Black Reign: Not THAT bad?. Every title on the line in the main event. Doomsday Chamber of Blood Match. The one Test TNA match. Adam Pacman Jones, what an awful idea to watch and listen to all full episodes! Wa…
A booking and production disaster. Best Undertaker/Mankind match?. Vader captured in Kuwait. Birth of the New Age Outlaws...kinda. The Bret/Austin match that no one talks about to watch and listen to all full e…
Debuts of JD McDonagh, Martina, and Bob Seeger. WWE UK Championship is here. Kurt Angle wouldn't approve of this show. Swerve, the Crippler Cockface, Origin lore, & more! to watch and listen to all full episode…
The Tazmission sucks. RVD almost went to WCW?. Terry Funk is a maniac. Every match delivered....except one to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be featured on a future episode? Leave a voicemail us…
Pure Title Human Centipede analysis. Blowoffs of Homicide/Joe and Saints/Prophecy. Low Ki joins the Rottweilers . Fireballs to the face and getting thrown off balconies . Baron von Raschke, Ricky Steamboat, & more! ApronBump…
Triple H & Chavo Guerrero are Dolph Ziggler wannabes. Spike Dudley won the Rumble. Bloodbath LMS Match. Rumble Match watch-a-long! to watch and listen to all full episodes! Want to be featured on a future episo…